Sunday, 2 December 2007

Campaign Group update

Meeting held at Birch Green Ecumenical Centre Wednesday 28th November 2007.
Purpose of meeting: Recognition of the strong support for the Firbeck/Findon Campaign.

It was attended by a number of invited guests, including Labour Councillors, Peter Cranie (guest speaker for the Green Party) and Mrs Leslie Burrows (guest speaker for the Community Partnership).

It was a most interesting meeting, and the chair of the campaign group read out replies received to issues put to the Council regarding Firbeck and Findon's involvement in the town centre regeneration scheme.

One of the questions asked:
What exactly is the proceedure for applying for "homeloss payment", what would be the amount payable, would it have to be applied for and would it affect people on benefit? It was also asked that the homeowners package be clarified.

The home loss payment of £4400 is a statutory payment and there is no need to apply.
As for the homeowners there will be a negotiated compensation package available.
Benefits officer, Neil Furey, stated in the meeting that the amount received would be taken into account for those on benefits.

Bob Pendleton (Deputy Leader of the Labour Council) answered questions from the residents.
One question referred to the land Firbeck and Findon presently occupy. The reply was that :the land, if demolition was decided, would be"gifted to St Modwen", the Council would then make a return of whatever was built there.

Mrs Leslie Burrows, Vice Chair of the Skelmersdale Community Partnership spoke in support of the campaign.

Councillor Terry Aldridge spoke and showed his strong support for the campaign to save Firbeck and Findon.

Peter Cranie, on behalf of the Green Party, compared our fight to that taking place in the "Welsh Streets" in Liverpool and gave his full support and backing to our own campaign.

The Campaign Chair announced that we have received response from Gordon Brown, Prime Minister, who was very interested in the comments made in a letter sent to him on behalf of the Campaign Group. He deemed our concerns of importance and has referred our concerns to the Department of Communities & Local Government.

We now await a positive response from the Department of Communities & Local Government.

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