Friday, 16 November 2007

We read with interest the findings of consultants PPS on the survey conducted in summer 2007 concerning proposed plans for the town centre regeneration(15th November issue).

Whilst out on the town with our petition we were surprised at the number of people who apologised to us because they misunderstood the wording of question 8 of the questionnaire ie remodelling and redevelopment. Both of these words have been understood to mean refurbishment of the Firbeck estate. I,myself, thought that at the time, but learned within a few days of this campaign to save Firbeck and Findon, that "remodelling" means selective demolition and "redevelopment" means entire demolition. We must emphasise no new houses for our residents.

On Friday 9th November a report concerning plans to bulldoze the Welsh Streets, Dingle, Liverpool also mentioned the word "redevelopment". The National Audit Office highlighted in a damning enquiry several similarities to the way West Lancashire District Council have sought views on the situation of Firbeck and Findon estates. For example, quote "the watchdog picks out the Merseyside scheme - one of nine across the North and Midlands for creating heightened stress in the neighbourhoods earmarked for demolition and, specifically, it questions the consultation that led to the hotly fought decision to bulldoze 444 red brick houses in the Welsh Streets".

The watchdog queries why the survey included residents in the surrounding Princes Park area when it was not those residents homes facing the bulldozer.

Toby Evans, the NAO's Audit Manager, said quote "some of the residents we spoke to said the word "redevelopment" was used to describe the proposal when what was planned was demolition".

David Corner, the NAO's Director, said "key recommendations - that surveys should be in demolition zones only and not use "redevelopment" to describe demolition - followed directly from the Welsh Street visit".

Also reported in that article was the fact that worringly the average compensation for residents being rehoused fell £35,000 short of the cost of a new home locally. The Welsh Street's project is a 'pathfinder' project.

We are now asking those people in Skelmersdale who were misled by "redevelopment" and "remodelling" on the questionnaire to write to Hazel Scully, 98 Firbeck, Birch Green, Skelmersdale WN8 6PW or Sandra Porter, 40 Firbeck, Birch Green, Skelmersdale, WN8 6PW.

There will be a meeting for all Firbeck and Findon residents on Wednesday 28th November 2007 at the Main Hall, Ecumencial Centre at 7pm. We are inviting the Labour Group, Rosie Cooper, MP for West Lancashire and the representatives from all agencies and associations who are supporting us to join us at that meeting. Rosie Cooper has a list of issues from us which she is presenting to WLDC for answers. We anticpate answers to those issues to be prepared for the meeting.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

We are an action group representing a small community of 149 tenants and 48 homeowners in Firbeck and Findon, Skelmersdale, Lancashire. Since June 22nd, 2007 we have been fighting a proposal to demolish our homes which could be certain by February, 2008. This is a proposal included in plans for regeneration of the town centre.

An improved town centre would be of benefit to us as a community but we are deeply upset that the Council and Planners are of a mind to demolish our much loved homes.

Many of the council tenants have lived on the estate for over 20 years and very much enjoy living here. The home owners have also lived here for many years but our Conservative Council are being insensitive to the fact that we are the people who matter.

There will be no properties to accommodate any of our residents. The offer for tenants is up to £4000 to give up their homes plus removal costs to go to a void existing council property. Couples and single parents will be offered 1 or 2 bedroom flats, we now have 3 bedroom homes. Homeowners will be offered market price plus 10% ( for their inconvenience of losing their property) plus removal costs, no one would be able to purchase like for like for that amount of money in Skelmersdale.

The Council insist no decision has yet been made about Firbeck and Findon but time is something we have very little of to oppose vehemently the very fact that demolition could be an option.

Our elderly and children are also distressed and we have been left since the end of June 2007 until a decision is made. Our opposition is very strong and we have taken a petition out to the town to ask for support in our opposition to demolition proposals. As the results of our petition prove the town's people agree that we should not lose our homes and we have their full support with 4,ooo+ signatures on our petition .

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Standing Up For Our Rights

We are campaigning to save our homes from demolition in Firbeck, and other homes under threat in Findon. You can read about the struggles we are facing by clicking on the following links: